// Prevents additional console window on Windows in release, DO NOT REMOVE!! #![cfg_attr(not(debug_assertions), windows_subsystem = "windows")] use std::time::{UNIX_EPOCH}; use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt; // Learn more about Tauri commands at https://tauri.app/v1/guides/features/command #[tauri::command] fn greet(name: &str) -> String { format!("Hello, {}! You've been greeted from Rust!", name) } #[derive(Debug, serde::Serialize)] struct EntryMetaData { name: String, path: String, size: u64, is_directory: bool, is_file: bool, is_symlink: bool, directory_item_count: u64, permission: String, created: u64, modified: u64, accessed: u64, } #[tauri::command] fn get_files( _window: tauri::Window, directory: &str, ) -> Vec { use std::fs; use std::path::Path; let path = Path::new(directory); // Read the entries in the directory let entries = fs::read_dir(path).unwrap(); let mut data: Vec = vec![]; for entry in entries { let entry = entry.unwrap(); let metadata = entry.metadata().unwrap(); let mode = metadata.permissions().mode(); let permission = format!( "{:04o} ({}{}{})", mode, if mode & 0o400 != 0 { 'r' } else { '-' }, if mode & 0o200 != 0 { 'w' } else { '-' }, if mode & 0o100 != 0 { 'x' } else { '-' }, ); let mut directory_item_count = 0 as u64; if metadata.is_dir() { if let Ok(dir_entries) = fs::read_dir(entry.path()) { directory_item_count = dir_entries.count() as u64; } } let mut created = 0 as u64; if let Ok(created_date) = metadata.created() { created = created_date.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_secs(); } let mut modified = 0 as u64; if let Ok(modified_date) = metadata.modified() { modified = modified_date.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_secs(); } let mut accessed = 0 as u64; if let Ok(accessed_date) = metadata.accessed() { accessed = accessed_date.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_secs(); } data.push(EntryMetaData{ name: entry.file_name().to_string_lossy().to_string(), path: entry.path().to_string_lossy().to_string(), size: metadata.len(), is_directory: metadata.is_dir(), is_file: metadata.is_file(), is_symlink: metadata.is_symlink(), directory_item_count, permission, created, modified, accessed, }); } return data; } #[tauri::command] fn open_file( _window: tauri::Window, path: &str, ) -> bool { use std::process::Command; use std::env; let os = env::consts::OS; match os { "linux" => { Command::new("xdg-open").arg(path).output() .expect("Unable to open file"); return true; }, "macos" => { Command::new("open").arg(path).output() .expect("Unable to open file"); return true; }, "windows" => { Command::new("cmd").arg("/C").arg("start").arg(path).output() .expect("Unable to open file"); return true; }, _ => { println!("Unsupported operating system: {}", os); return false; } } } fn main() { use tauri::Manager; tauri::Builder::default() .setup(|app| { #[cfg(debug_assertions)] // only include this code on debug builds { let window = app.get_window("main").unwrap(); window.open_devtools(); } Ok(()) }) .invoke_handler(tauri::generate_handler![ get_files, open_file ]) .run(tauri::generate_context!()) .expect("error while running tauri application"); }